Resolve In Relationship

I have been asked by many as to how to resolve Fights between each other, in the relationship, be it parents and their wards, husband and wife, or friends, wherein I suggest the Basics:
1. Do ensure that you are attacking the issue and not each other, that too attacking issue with a open mind and logical version resolves in a healthier manner.
2. Take responsibility, what you feel right may not be true for your partner, however that does not disqualifies you from thinking and enacting what you have been thinking right.
3. Deal with one issue at a time, do not mix and entangle situation complaining and heating up the environment further.
Most important part is both of you should initiate with a Thought that it need to be resolved, even in cases I have seen that one of the partner is more keen to blow up the issue and handling immaturely, in such situation stay calm, give a hearing as that would soothe your partner and then put your point, during such time don’t interrupt or pass comments, or make faces etc.
Happy Reading


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