
Over the last six months or more this have been the question sent to me by my readers and I promised each one that I would do more fact finding before I revert. The prime question been posed to me was ” How to get Peace?
Well over the last six to seven months that been the prime reason I wrote nothing at but worked on this specific subject and have I myself have learnt a lot as well whilst speaking to innumerable people and gathering information.
I have spoken to many who tend to be in Peace and Happiness in spite of their innumerable Personal trauma, some of them are quite shivering to even listen too, thereby you can imagine how impactful it could be for the person undergoing the same. Though they are at Peace and Happiness, however when I got in deep dive I also discovered that a portion of such people are in ” Pseudo Happiness and Peace” and the ones who are in higher level of them are in real Peace and Happiness. To reach in either of the position is a task by itself, however when I spoke to them, it’s at ease for them, without much effort.
It’s all as to how one tunes one self, and work towards it. Most people who have been complaining of Stress/ Tension and related disease are very Poor in handling out their true self, distracted too much by surrounding circles and thereby are victims of multiple disease that inflects their ” Mind and Body”.
Peace – is a derivative of How you Handle yourself and take ” Control” of the surrounding enviorment of yours.
As usual do write back to with your query and I would be happy to reply.
Happy Reading!!


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