New Year Health Tip

Yesterday I received a call from one of my friend in Brussels, where in she wanted me to write couple of basic pointers on the Health Tip perspective , which would be easy to follow.
I promised her that I would pen down couple of simple thoughts which I believe, which are as below:
a) Sleep Well: If a night’s sleep doesn’t seem to give you a day’s energy, investigate your sleep quality. Never never keep your mobile with you whilst you are in Bed, with today’s gadgets unknowingly your fingers would reach your mobile, which would be a distraction for your sleep, do not use it as an alarm too, use a small alarm clock for the purpose.
b) Be Vitamin D aware: I have seen that as people age they develop symptoms of Osteoporosis or similar, thereby ensure to have intake of Vitamin D. Vitamin D boosts calcium absorption and is needed for bone formation. Vitamin D is found in fish liver oil, eggs, fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, and fortified foods such as some breakfast cereals.
c) Have Sex: Having a regular interval of act what you love, would not only increase the Re bonding, however would re-churn lots of Hormones internally and re vitalize back to life.
d) Have Green Tea: It not only nullifies the Toxins, but detoxes the body giving a quantum positive effect on ageing.
Though the above are all simple tips which most of us may also know, however either we forget to adhere or we get busy in our regular activities that we start negating the same.
Wish all a Prosperous 2014 ahead.


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