My Life – Phone And Social Networking

I was been told by many to comment on the recent fever of Social Networking and excessive usage of Mobile Phones, where in one would see that the person in front is always fidgeting with the gadget in hand, Irritating right?? Probably Yes, or Probably much more than that!!
I delayed on this writing as wanted to observe more on the Phenomenon today, since 3rd February is the day when I stepped in the World, friends and families started posting me a Happy Birthday message through Facebook or twitter or through latest Phone apps, it started off from yesterday midnight and is still on, but in reality do I really care for those Posts and messages? Cant they at least give a call and spend 30 seconds, Probably No, as all are getting too mechanical, the Wish is no more from Heart but the formality.
Why do People lay bare their emotions in Social Networking sites?
Social online platforms encourage self-obsession and allow you to withdraw from an interaction whenever you wish to, at the click of a button.
I can vouch that technology and increased social interaction enable more complex relationships than those that ever existed earlier. Previously, you would meet some one interesting and may be think about them a bit, splendidly and vaguely hope to meet again some day. Temptation was a slave to destiny and if fate brought you together again, you could think of making your next move. Today temptation enslaves you instead and technology offers sure access to anyone you are tempted to link up with. It is surprising that most to give in to their basic instincts.
It is scary that most of us are also enslaved to our cell phones. What worries me is that I do not remember any telephone number or addresses by heart any more, which in my childhood I used to do. Technology discourages us from various mental and physical touch points and once you feel enough is enough let me throw off this cell phone as it is creating personal relationship pressure, you would suffer from withdrawal symptoms and depression – swinging from a sense of irritability and anger.
However it’s truly time when you need to “Unconnect” and feel the Happiness and Bliss of life.
Happy Reading
Sujit Paul


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