Meditate To Regain Your Power

Most of the times my readers post me multiple questions in my personal mail id, which I usually tend to answer one to one, however over the last month I am flooded with certain questions of Inner Power Source, which I would try to answer for the benefit of all.
For those of us connected to a spiritual path, the source can be different things for different of us and in any form. To open ourselves to that source, we need to realise first that we have much more inner strength when we realise that the energy, intelligence and will we are using come from the infinite ocean, and as we open up the valve, more and more fresh water gushes in.
The next part that need to be kept in mind is that we have to connect to the deeper, more expansive part of ourselves and a important part would be to attune our consciousness to the Guru who could help us realise our divinity.
The final outcome for all can be reached through ” Meditation” . In Meditation we can experience God’s energy or Nature’s energy and we expand not only by contacting that Power, but also offering ourselves into it.
I have been preaching Online and On call Free Meditation techniques and Counselling now for those who need a solace. Do reach out in my mail id for any questions on life.
Happy Reading
Sujit Paul


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