Humour Masks Pain

As we all have heard that ” The funniest people are the saddest one”, in my last fortnight visit to one of the cities in India for Public Speaking, I have addressed the above, just to refurbish mentioning the key pointers for all to take a note of what I mentioned
1) Do as much Good possible to others
2) Work towards operating in “0″ anger and same for others
3) Believe in Positivity and spread the same for other to be Happy, the key observation in family and friends what you need to do as a note of alert when cheerful people aren’t the same as to what you know them are
a) If you see that they are retrenching in a shell.
b) If he/ she have reduced social interaction with friends, family and colluges.
c) Changes in weigh, appetite, sleep patterns.
If the above 3 are visible to you and you find that no more he/ she is the same ” Humorous or Fun loving” person what you knew, just jump in to his / her help without letting the person know that you have realised that he/she is getting in depression. Most of the time it gets recovered very soon at early stages, if handled on a proper friendly note, and I urge all to keep an eye in the surrounding to ensure that each one of you save at least 1 Person, other than your own family member, from going in to depression every 3 months just by talking and spending some time with them which would bring in a Huge Change in the World in the coming days.


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