Don’t Believe On Forecast – Stay Positive

Firstly my apologies for not posting a blog last month, as I usually do every month. I appreciate most of the letters that I received from my readers over the year end. The topic that most of you have asked me to write was on ” Resolutions” and ” Forecasts”. I planned to chose the 2nd one, as from my childhood I have been victim to multiple forecasts of varied nature from innumerable People in the society. I believe all Forecasts can be altered ( if not reversed) by doing ” Good Karma”. Scientists at John Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland found that 37% of people read their Horoscopes before making big decisions. In India I find quite a many people believe in ” Rahu kal” ” Colour” etc etc, however when Karma comes in they stoop down to the action of a Beast.
A recent study suggest that negative readings in the Predictions increases self indulgent behaviour. I have seen that some astrologers have a tendency to make you scared and nervous, others can be Positive and encouraging in the same prediction. Astrology is only about giving guidance and advice on what one needs to do in case the time is having bad energy. I have seen multiple people who comes to me and discusses on this topic, that if their predictions are negative, then it does have a huge negative impact on their mind, they start feeling depressed consciously or subconsciously which results in fatigue, depression, headache and other related symptoms.
I strongly suggest all that just focus on your deeds, do as much as Good possible within your limits, stay calm in case you hear some negative predictions ( I suggest you to avoid listening to predictions or following horoscopes), have faith on yourself and your deeds, and nothing Bad can really touch you, do ensure that you Guard against situations where you are emotionally pushed down and lose your focus.
Blindly believing forecast will be no good to you and will create more slag in your life and bring in more of negative energy than Positive.
Stay Positive, Believe in yourself, Don’t harm others consciously and keep doing Good Karma – Your Forecast will always be in Sunshine.
Wish all a Glorious Year
Sujit Paul


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