Accept What Comes On Your Way – And Be Happy

Most of the time I am asked by all, to share multiple secrets of True Happiness and when I say them that ” Happiness would come once you accept everyday situation unconditionally”. When suddenly your house maid does not come, or your driver don’t turn in, there is a tendency to get jerked in the situation and when we oppose, we resist reality and life becomes disappointing, followed by frustrations and melancholiness.
In every day life, we come across things that disturbs us, we cannot change many of them, there is wherein Acceptance gives you proper perspective of things and situations around you.
When I hear from my followers that their friends are better off and how miserable they are ( in spite of probably been better of than many of their friends), I keep on saying them that “ If you don’t learn to accept, you will go on chasing shadows and far away mirages forever, never realising that they look beautiful when you are far from them.


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